Jude Law has become the second major actor in a week to express his relief that Robert Pattinson has become the idol of the teenage throngs and say he is delighted to relinquish his throne.
Law told a German newspaper that Pattinson has taken his place. "If I have a look around at the moment I feel great relief because finally others are entering the limelight. Men like Robert Pattinson must now play the Adonis. For me it was always a restraint, a restriction.
"My goal was always to be recognised as a good actor but no one was interested in that, simply because society just wants to warm towards your appearance. This is the great blemish of society.
"When you suddenly appear on the scene and you are the new face, everything centers on you. I experienced this in my mid-20s and I found it rather hard."
Earlier this week Pierce Brosnan spoke of his relief that when filming “Remember Me” with Pattinson he was totally ignored by the female fans who descended on the set.
For |Brosnan, too, who had a turn as teen idol in his James Bond and Remington Steele days, the relief was evident.
Both men, of course, are older now – Brosnan is 56 and Law is 37 – and they no longer want the celebrity cult madness that surrounds the latest Hollywood heartthrob.
Pattinson, however, would do very well to handle his new status with the kind of grace that Brosnan and Law showed when they were at the top.
Neither man has anything left to prove, but they have shown they have a career after their teen idol roles. That will be the big issue for Robert Pattinson when the fans flee to the next idol whenever he comes along. Will Pattinson fade like so many other teen idols such as David Cassidy, Donny Osmond etc., or will he have a career long after? Time will tell.
