HARRODS and other posh London shops clearly do nothing for Roy Keane, the ex-Ireland soccer star who's now doing big things as a manager with the English team Sunderland. Keane lashed out last week at the so-called English WAGS the wives and girlfriends of soccer players who have turned shopping and preening into their very own spectator sport courtesy of the British tabloids.

He's particularly peeved that some of the girls have prevented their men from signing with his side, located in the shopping unfriendly northwest of England.

"Greed will always be a part of the game and that will never change," he said. "But this side of it, with the women running the show, concerns me and worries me.

"Maybe it shouldn't really because the players I am talking about are soft anyway. If someone doesn't want to come to Sunderland then all well and good.

"But if they don't want to come to Sunderland because their wife wants to go shopping in London, then it is a sad state of affairs. What is your priority? Your wife and her shopping, money or your football?

"I could name three or four big players now and clearly their wives and girlfriends are running their lives because they are doing these photo shoots and all that kind of stuff."

Davi Beckham and his Posh, perhaps?