The trailer for the movie, “Kill the Irishman”, written and directed by Jonathan Hensleigh, has been released. The movie tells the true story of Danny Greene, an Irish thug working for mobsters in Cleveland.
The movie is based on a book, by Rick Porello, by the same name. It tells the story of Greene (Ray Stevenson) who has established himself as a gallant rogue with the American media as he takes on the Cleveland mafia. In Porello’s book he reported that Greene managed to avoid eight assassination attempts, sent by mafia boss James Licalvoli.
Greene was famously fixated on the color green. Apparently he had a green car, a green office and handed out green pens. In fact he called himself the Celtic warrior and gave himself the codename “Mr Patrick”. It will be interesting to see how the Irish audience takes to such a character.
The movie will be release on March 11, 2011. Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day.
The cast of the movie is quite a line up of Hollywood stars including Val Kilmer, Christopher Walken, Vinnie Jones, Vincent D’Onofrio and Fionnula O’Flanagan.
The story of Greene’s life should be an interesting one which looks as if it is well told, from the trailer (see right). However, Hensleigh will have to make sure that he doesn’t push the shamrock too much.