Kristen Stewart, 20, has had a hectic few years and it’s not over yet.
While gearing up to film the final installments of the “Twilight Saga” vampire movies, the young actress has had to battle with fame and all that comes with being in the spotlight all the time.
Also causing quite a stir is Stewart's on-screen (and off-screen) relationship with her co-star Robert Pattinson.
Stewart tells the Telegraph over the weekend that she is shy but that’s it.
“I am quite shy and people think I'm aloof.”
Stewart said that although she wants to be an actor, she isn’t very comfortable opening up to strangers and talking about herself and her private life.
“I get that all the time: "She should not be in this position because she can't handle it," and, "She is stuck up and doesn't want to talk to anybody. She is miserable, and if you are so miserable stop doing it."
“But do you have a choice? I want to be an actor, I am just not very comfortable talking about myself,” Stewart told the Telegraph in an interview that took place in Beverly Hills.
She continued, “When I did the first Twilight movie they were like, "Now you have to go and do media training," and I was, "Screw you! Do you think you are going to wrap up all my little insecurities and throw them out the window?
“Do you think you are going to put soundbites in my mouth? I'll do your course, but that's not going to happen.”
Stewart talked a lot about her recent movie “The Runaways.”
“The Runaways started everything for chicks in rock and roll,” says Stewart. “So many women in bands say, "I'm in
a band because of the Runaways.”
“It was initially a small movie, then because of the whole “Twilight” thing it got a lot of attention. I now know Joan and I have a relationship with her, and if we didn't do a good job everything would fall away, so it was important we got it right.
“I felt comfortable in Joan's clothing,' she says.
“It's like armor. Punks put it on because they are protecting themselves, because they are outsiders, and because they are fighting something.
“And it's weird – I did a lot of press for the second Twilight movie when I was shooting “The Runaways”, and I was feeling a little insecure, which doing those press things makes me, and I didn't go to my normal defenses, I went to Joan's.”
On her school days, Stewart said she couldn’t relate to kids her own age.
“They are mean and don't give you any chance. Once you have done with school, you realize that it is just a smaller version of life, and really I have felt that I should have been an adult since I was aged about five.
“I remember when I turned 18 everyone asked me if I felt more mature, but I felt the same as I always did. Juggling work and school, and helping my mother; I've always had a lot of responsibility.'
When asked by the Telegraph reporter about her alleged relationship with co-star Robert Pattinson, Stewart doesn’t’ give anything away.
“It doesn't matter how many times I've spoken to someone or how well they know me, I'm just not going to talk about that,' she said.
“But it is weird with the paparazzi,” she continues.
“We are not on the top of the paparazzi list, but it is definitely tougher for Rob.”
The pair looked to have been rumbled when a photographer caught them cozying up on the Isle of Wight
over New Year.
“That was some kid, not paparazzi, who took that shot,” she explained.
“That's the kind of thing that just baffles you. I can't believe that came out.”
On fame Stewart says it’s not easy to have a normal life.
“I have friends who say, "Hey. We are in a restaurant today. Want to come? A bunch of us are hanging out?" And yet I am like, "Do you want to go to someone's house? It would be so much more fun.
“Bring everyone round to my house!" It is weird never to be just some girl. Everybody knows me so I can never be just a new person with somebody. New people always have an impression of me and I am so aware of it, and it probably changes me.”
Stewart is currently shooting an adaptation of “On the Road” directed by the Brazilian film-maker Walter Salles.
“I play Marylou and I am f–ing freaking out about it. Nobody has ever tried to make it and yet, reading the book, it is insanely iconic.
“It is my favorite book. It is so f–ing cool that I am doing it. A friend introduced me to it when I was 14 and I have read it a couple of times.”
