Mischa Barton is being sued for not paying her rent. The former 'O.C.' star has been accused by her landlord, M.R.A. Realties, of failing to provide her $7,000-a-month rent on her New York apartment for the last three months and the company has now filed a lawsuit.
While Mischa's representative is yet to comment on the claims, the landlord wants her to pay the rent and legal fees. Mischa - who also has a home in Los Angeles - signed the one-year lease last September so she had somewhere to live while she filmed her TV series 'The Beautiful Life'.
However, it was canceled after just two shows. Last year, Mischa was hospitalized after being placed under an involuntary psychiatric hold but has since spoke positively about the experience saying it gave her the chance to take time out and reassess her life.
The 23-year-old actress said: "I went to the hospital because of pain with my wisdom teeth and I ended up getting 'put in', but that's because I was so overwhelmingly stressed out and upset. "I think it was my teeth and the stress of having a new job and traveling. I was miserable. Actresses aren't given the time to recover after stuff like that.
"I was shocked it went that far but I think it was necessary for me to take that time out. I'm so much more settled and calm now."