It seems that Irish-American Lee DeWyse in with a good chance of winning “American Idol” 2010. It’s now down to the final three; DeWyse, Casey James and Crystal “Momma Sox” Bowersox.
On Tuesday night it was clear that DeWyse and Bowersox were looking good to be the finalists on what has been a pretty close competition.
Now that there are only three contestants left they have to sing two tunes each; one chosen by the judges and the other a personal choice.
De Wyse was the last to see but they certainly saved best for last.
He chose Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “Simple Man”. The judges were impressed by his impeccable song choice, and his emotional connection to the song he belted out with passion.
De Wyse’s second song, Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah,” earned him a standing ovation and even had Simon Cowell giving him praise. Cowell said that he was proud of Lee and that his performance proves what a great person he is.
Casey James was up first. Often a favorite with the judges he under impressed the judges with his renditions of Eric Hutchinson’s “OK, It’s Alright By Me” and John Mayer’s “Daughters”.
Crystal “Momma Sox” Bowersox selected the no brainer, blues-style “Come to my Window” by Melissa Ethridge. It’s lucky that she nailed it as Ethridge was sitting in the studio audience. Her next tune was Paul McCartney’s “Maybe I’m Amazed”.
The fans said that she gave them exactly what they wanted to hear and the Ohio native proved that she’s a definite contender for the final.
Tune into Fox to night to see who will be in the final two. Odds are on Bowersox and DeWyse for sure.