Mel Gibson, a recovering alcoholic who was arrested for drunk driving in 1984 and 2006, said he hasn't been back to Scotland since shooting “Braveheart” in 1995 because he fears it would have a damaging effect on him.
The actor, whose mother was born in Ireland, said: "I haven't gone back since because I'm afraid. I'd never get sober for one thing, and to have to run around in a dress… it's cold up there!"
Despite his reluctance to return, the 53-year-old veteran actor admits Scotland still holds a special place in his heart.
"On the way to the premiere in Scotland the crowd was 50-deep and I couldn't believe there was so much feeling and fervor about the subject,” he said. “It hit a chord, definitely."
Earlier this month, Gibson saw his 2006 conviction for a misdemeanor DUI expunged after serving his three-year probation period.
Following the incident, the actor/director, who infamously launched into an obscene anti-Semitic tirade against police when he was arrested, was placed on probation and ordered to pay a $1,500 fine.
He attended a 12-step program for 11 months, underwent an alcohol abuse education course, and also handed over his driver's license for 90 days as part of his rehabilitation.
He met with Jewish leaders to discuss his tirade and has since apologized for the remarks he made to the deputy sheriff who made the arrest.