Lindsay Lohan’s father Michael says that he thinks it would be a good idea for his daughter to go to rehab for three months to get herself straight.
Lindsay has a Beverly Hills court hearing Thursday to review progress from her DUI conviction last year
Lohan senior is hoping to be there to tell the judge that Lindsay needs a stint in rehab.
“My daughter needs rehab for at least three months,” Michael told
“Come on… let’s face it, there are pictures of her out there—you reported it, others have reported it…of her drinking and taking pills in public. If you’re on probation, is that what the system approves of?”
“I’ve been trying to get into court with the judge for a long time,” Lohan said.
“The last time she was in court the judge should have drug tested her. If she had, I know Lindsay would have come up dirty and she would have been thrown into rehab.”
Michael also discussed his relationship with Kate Major, the ex girlfriend of Jon Gosselin from "Jon and Kate Plus 8" fame.
Lindsay was given an additional year last October to complete her alcohol awareness program.
Michael said he shared heated text messages with his daughter on Tuesday night and that Lindsay became upset and angry when he told her a few home truths.
"Our relationship is strained,” he said.
He told Lindsay, “It really p****s me off that when you have trouble or when you’re in St. Barth’s and you have nowhere to turn to and you tell me everything is going awry and your sister [Ali Lohan, age 15] is missing…I’m up 6 hours in the night trying to hire a jet to pick you up and take you home…and then you flip the script on me.
“Whenever you need me, you call me. Whenever you have a problem, I’m there for you. You can’t backstab people. You can’t turn your back on the people that love you and want to help you.”
Lohan also told his daughter: “This is about you getting well, you getting healthy, me loving you and wanting you to do the right thing. The prescription drugs are killing you.”
