Once again, Charlize Townsend, the South African Oscar winner, and her Irish boyfriend Stuart Townsend are referring to themselves as husband and wife, even though, in the eyes of the law, they're not legally wed. Actually it was Charlize who called Stu her "husband" during an interview last week, and showed off the band she wears on her ring finger as evidence of their commitment. She was asked why she has chosen to produce a film from two novice directors and replied, "I look at my husband today and I wonder, 'What was it that you said that made me stick around for seven years...' I'm still sticking around." Hmmm . . . not sure how that answered the question, but whatever. Last fall Townsend told People magazine, "I didn't do a church wedding or anything, but we're married. We're husband and wife. We love each other and we want to spend our lives together."