After a passing mention in the New York Times this week unsigned Irish band The Calvinists, a three-piece band from Cork, have found their stock has risen dramatically.
Hearing them play in the city, The Times travel writer Matt Gross wondered in print if he happened upon "the next U2."
Guitarist and vocalist Noel Maguire, lead guitarist Frank Wieler and drummer Darragh Coakley's gig in The Schooner Bar was witnessed and enjoyed by Gross, who was so impressed he included them in his article as a highlight of his Irish trip.
The band chose their name because, Gross explained, John Calvin had been completely opposed to music and that irony was something the band enjoyed.
Gross' article advised U.S. tourists visiting Ireland to check out The Schooner Bar, "particularly if the Calvinists are playing," he wrote.
Due to the high web traffic and the particular prominence of the article on the website this week, it probably won't be long before The Calvinists find fame and fortune (and a record contract) are closer now than they ever imagined.
