THOUGH he spent a good chunk of time in Ireland in the past year living a relatively low-key existence, breathless reports last week that Michael Jackson had plunked down $20 million for a castle in Co. Wicklow are false. Irish music magazine Hot Press proudly touted its "world exclusive," that Jackson had purchased Luggala Estate in Round-wood, Co. Wicklow, complete with its own castle and 350 acres of lush green fields. According to the magazine, Luggala has played host to celebrities such as Mel Gibson and Orlando Bloom.

While that may be true, the new landlord definitely won't be Wacko, who spent 12 weeks months there in 2006 with his three hidden from view kiddies.

The exclusive report, according to a company that handles all rentals for Luggala, is "off the wall."

A spokesman for the firm, Adams and Butler, said, "It is highly unlikely that Michael Jackson has bought the estate. We would have expected to have been told. We are the only people who let it...and we have some very high-profile clients booked for next year, some of whom are even more famous than Michael Jackson."

Even the owner, a fellow named Garech de Brun, confirmed as much. "I haven't sold it to Michael Jackson," he said.