Two of his songs, "Bunch of Red Roses" and "Open Reel" are featured in the soundtrack of the new Colin Farrell film Pride and Glory which opens this Friday.
"I recently returned from Toronto, where I flew up to the Toronto Film Festival and finally got to see the premiere of Pride and Glory," reports Grene.
"Watching the director Gavin O'Connor introduce the film was moving and remarkable. As directors do, he had poured his heart and soul into making it happen against all kinds of odds, and he spoke of the magic of looking out onto the vast audience that was about to see it.
"And when the lights dimmed, the movie spoke for itself - intense, and filled with originality, and passion and truth. And the usage of the Prodigals music is simply astonishing. I won't spoil the plot, but it appears with exceptional length and clarity in a scene with Colin Farrell and Ed Norton that is pivotal to the story and characters, and is just riveting to watch."
This is shaping up to be a memorable year for the Prodigals leader. He released Flipsides, his first solo CD, earlier this year. The disc is an about face from the pummeling jig punk that the Prodigals dish out at Paddy Reilly's most weekends, and that's not such a bad thing.
The music is a gorgeous return to melody and musicianship that stands proud alongside the best stuff in your traditional Irish music collection. Congratulations to Greg and the Prodigals! To check in with the band, log onto