Robert Pattinson developed his American accent by emulating his favorite rappers. The 'Twilight' heartthrob told Oprah Winfrey that his ambition as a youngster was to make it as a rap star.
He added: "I have a lot of recordings, I used to do an American accent."
The 24-year-old joined Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner and Dakota Fanning for a special on the new movie. But Pattinson joked his accent didn't go down well with Kristen. "Kristen thinks I do the most terrible accent," he said.
But Stewart hit back: "No, I don't, just occasionally something little will come out and I'll say 'We don't do that!'"
During his interview with the chat show queen, Pattinson also admitted he came close to quitting acting before landing the role in 'Twilight.'
"When I came out to LA to do the audition, I was flat broke, everything was rubbish in London, I came out for a different audition and I turned up, and it was absolutely awful," he said. "I phoned my parents and said 'That's it!'. I was going to fly home the next day and my parents were like 'yeah sure, that's fine, OK' and that was completely the wrong thing to say as I was like 'I really want to do it now' - then the next audition was 'Twilight.'"
The rest, as they say, is history.
