What does capture the difficulties of life in Northern Ireland is William J. Abraham's essay "Terrorism and Forgiveness," in the new collection "Reflections on Forgiveness and Spiritual Growth."

Edited by Andrew Weaver (who writes a short, powerful introduction) and Monica Furlong, the book probes a number of controversial topics from political, spiritual and even medical perspectives.

Abraham's essay deals with the November 1987 bombing in his home town of Enniskillen, Northern Ireland.

Included is an interview with Gordon Wilson, whose 11-year-old daughter was killed in the tragedy. Abraham uses Wilson's heartbreaking account to explore the effects of this unique kind of war not only on individuals but entire communities.

The results rely a bit too heavily on spiritual jargon, but Abraham also makes an honest effort to both confront Irish tragedy and recover from it.

There is also a useful "study guide" of tips, exercises and recommended readings.

($13 / 176 pages /

Abingdon Press)