Robert Pattinson, the star of the "Twilight" movies has cut his hair but is it for the best?
Pattinson, 24, is known for his scraggy locks and his adorning smile but his new look makes him younger and a little more preppy.
Pattinson appeared on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" show Wednesday with much shorter hair and his fans were a little disappointed.
He has gone short on the sides and back - no more side burns - and we're not sure it suits him.
Although he has maintained a little length at the top it's not the type of hair that screams bad boy anymore! It's way to sensible.
The "Twilight" star told Ellen he was forced to chop off his hair over a medical problem.
"It's three days old," he told the host.
"I got a terrible infestation of nits and had to shave it all off."
"No you did not," Ellen replied. "Don't start that rumor."
After much joking back and forth Pattinson admitted his chopped off his lovely locks for a a new movie role.
It's a depression-era drama called "Water for Elephants" which co-stars Reese Witherspoon.
I guess it can grow back ladies!
