Every year, Comic-Con is eagerly anticipated by TV, movie, and comic buffs around the globe. It draws huge crowds of excited fans, many of whom go the extra mile and come prepared in full costume to catch a glimpse of some of their favorite actors and superheroes.
IGN.com has done a line-up of their most anticipated events of the convention, and being the expert source on all things delightfully nerdy, one would do well to share in their anticipation.
To kick off the list, IGN open with the Marvel showcase. Marvel has been a showrunner at Comic-Con for years now, with the advent of comic adaptation movies in popular culture. Expected to be shown at this year’s Marvel panels are ‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier” and “Thor: The Dark World”, both sequels to previous Marvel movies.
In addition to the existing Marvel film franchises, there is hope for announcements on potential future productions from the studio such as “Doctor Strange” and “Black Panther”.
Next on the list come the Sony panels, which will include the “Amazing Spiderman” sequel with Andrew Garfield reprising his role as Spiderman and Jamie Foxx and Paul Giamatti as Electro and Rhino, respectively. Sony will also be showcasing their “RoboCop” reboot with the stars Joel Kinnarman, Abbie Cornish, and Samuel L. Jackson attending panel talks.
Also coming to Comic-Con will be Universal Pictures, which will be showing off the new additions to two of their franchises with Kick-Ass 2 and Riddick. Kick-Ass 2 stars Aaron Taylor-Johnson as the titular character and Jim Carrey as a new hero, Colonel Stars and Stripes. Riddick is a sequel to The Chronicles of Riddick, starring Vin Diesel, Katee Sackhoff and Dave Bautista, all of whom will be in attendance for a panel presentation.
20th Century Fox will have a panel as well, clocking in just before Marvel’s presentation on Saturday. Not wanting to be outshone by Marvel, Fox will feature both The Wolverine, Hugh Jackman’s newest installation in the franchise, as well as Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, which stars Gary Oldman and Jason Clarke. Plus, there are rumors circulating that Fox has a ‘big surprise’ planned for their presentation. What that may be has yet to be seen.
Tom Cruise will also be on site to promote his upcoming sci-fi movie “Edge of Tomorrow”, which takes a sort of Groundhog Day-esque approach to a futuristic battlefield.
