IRISH teen actress Saoirse Ronan is riding high these days with the success of Atonement, and her Best Supporting Actress Oscar nomination, but even great stars register blips on their resumes from time to time.

Two years ago, Saoirse worked on a film called I Could Never Be Your Woman with a star-studded cast that includes Michelle Pfeiffer, Paul Rudd and Tracey Ullman. Saoirse, now 13, played Pfeiffer's daughter, and mother and child were both experiencing the highs and lows of love and crushes.

The film had a limited release in Europe and other parts of the world last year, but strangely never made it to American cinemas. Now it's headed straight to DVD, with a release date set for February 12, just in time for the Valentine's season.

"I was 11 when I did that," Ronan said last year while promoting Atonement. "I've got a love interest in school that I think I'm madly in love with. I'm trying to figure out how I can go out on a date with him, and she's trying to figure out how she's going to impress this guy that's younger than her. So we're basically helping each other with our love lives. It's really nice."