A short film “I Beat Mike Tyson” released on Vimeo, chronicles the story of famed Irish boxer Kevin McBride and how he beat world champion Mike Tyson.

Back in 2005, the then unknown Irish boxer beat Mike Tyson in front of thousands of people. Shortly after the fight, McBride disappeared. Filmmaker Joshua Z. Weinstein rediscovered McBride raising his children in a suburb of Boston. McBride is aging and his body is deteriorating but he is still a fighter.

“I Beat Mike Tyson” is a lyrical film about a fighter at the end of his career who is struggling with his life.

The video was screened at film festivals all over the world in 2012 such as the HotDocs International Documentary Film Festival in Toronto and the Camden International Documentary Film Festival in Maine.

In the Fall of 2012 the film was released in theaters in New York City alongside Weinstein's feature film, Drivers Wanted.

Weinstein is an accomplished cinematographer and director. His work has been featured in the New York Times as well as on BBC television, PBS, and in numerous film festivals.

You can watch “I Beat Mike Tyson” in full on Vimeo. It will also be available for streaming on the websites ShortoftheWeek.com and IBeatMikeTyson.com.

For more information, contact Weinstein Film Production at [email protected].

Here’s the trailer for the movie: