COLIN Farrell has been called many things during his colorful Hollywood career, but patron saint to the homeless? Well, that's how one former down and outer in Toronto sees the native Dubliner.

Farrell was in the city last year for the annual film festival - he'll be there this time around too - and he befriended a homeless guy named Stress, who he actually briefly met four years previous. He took Stress under his wing and, more importantly, into his limo, and the pair went shopping for some clothing and other necessities. In all Farrell dropped several grand on his new pal, and gave him some invaluable words of wisdom as well - namely, straighten up and fly right.

And wouldn't you know, Stress took those words to heart. Now, according to the Toronto Sun newspaper, he's an upstanding, church-going citizen who's recovering through a 12-step program. Oh, and he does yoga too.

"You need to get your life together, man, promise me," Farrell told Stress while they sat in the limo last year - this, according to a Stress friend who spoke with the Sun. (Stress is, believe it or not, media shy!)

And, Farrell added, "Make sure you go see my new movie."

Stress did exactly what Colin ordered. And he even liked his movie, In Bruges.

"I was depressed," he said. "Colin picked up my spirits and gave me hope. He gave me an opportunity and I figured I'd better take it."

September 14 marks the first year anniversary of Stress' new and improved life, and he's hoping to meet up with his friend Farrell to show him what a difference a year can make.

"To reach out to a homeless person who really needs help? That takes extraordinary character," says Stress.

Farrell will be in Toronto next week to promote his upcoming Irish American cop drama Pride and Glory, which also stars Ed Norton and Jon Voight. The film, which was made a couple of years ago and has been on again/off again as far as getting distributed, opens nationwide on October 24.