Sir Stevo Timothy and Lady Sinead Nora have kept Irish audiences laughing for nearly half a decade but who are the stars behind Michael and Kathleen's Glorious Guide To Evernton FC.
Tapping into a new media audience, the social media stars have utilised Twitter, Instagram and YouTube to engage and connect directly with a phone using comedy hungry audience. Their skits on Everton Football Club established them on the UK scene which in turn has now inspired their debut book, Michael and Kathleen's Glorious Guide To Evernton FC. But who are two of Ireland's most popular authors?
So tell us a little bit about you and your partner? Give us the background!
We met four years ago and have been annoying the world since!
I started off by doing a few sketches in my car with my brother but after they went viral he got scared, so I needed a new partner. I always mentioned my non existent wife Kathleen in the videos so I thought why not have Sinéad playing a real Kathleen. We haven't looked back since!
When and where do the comic characters come about?
I guess the character is an amalgamation of various country people I've come across in my life here in the west of Ireland. A bit of everyone and everything. The Kathleen character is a bit more subdued. She is the voice of reason, the straight man.
Have you been surprised by the response you have received?
We have been absolutely shocked by the response! People told us it would never even travel beyond Galway never mind reach all of the English speaking world. We get messages from Oman, Peru, even Iraq. It is insane
What's been the highlight of your career so far?
The highlight is a draw between our first show in Liverpool and our first huge show in Ireland at the iconic Vicar Street.
In Liverpool we walked out to a standing ovation to nearly 600 people and ended up selling out five shows! Sinéad burst in to tears and I was close to doing it myself.
How did the book come about?
The book came about after we were contacted by local publishers Bookhub. We've always wanted to do a book or two so we were delighted when the opportunity arose. Our first release will be about our beloved Everton football club and will the titled The Glorious Guide to Evernton FC (spelling error is deliberate)
What was it like writing for a non visual audience?
It was quite easy as we've done so many sketches on Everton that the book practically wrote itself!
The pair are fresh off a UK and Ireland tour performing to sell out crowds and the book has now been shipped to a dozen countries.The comics are also ambassadors for mental health awareness and have told IrishCentral that Irish American and Irish audiences in need of a laugh can reach out during the Corona Virus crisis at any point via their social media channels.
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