The Pope will visit his Catholic people in Britain later this year and who better to welcome him to Britain other than "Britain's Got Talent" runner up Susan Boyle.
Rumors have it the pope is a big fan of SuBo and her tender vocals.
A source close to the Vatican has said that the most powerful man in the Catholic church often listens to Subo's record.
SuBo, 49 and a staunch catholic, is set to perform in front of 150,000 people at an outdoor mass in Glasgow's Ballahouston Park.
The idea was present to SuBo in April and she jumped at the chance.
However it was only confirmed by the Scottish Catholic Church this week that the singer will perform for the Pope.
The Britain’s Got Talent star is set to perform in front of a 150,000 strong-crowd at an outdoor Mass in Glasgow’s Bellahouston Park.
A spokesperson for the Scottish Catholic Media Office (SCMO) said: “We’re still in negotiations with Susan and her agent and it’s looking good. We’re not making any comment just yet but once we confirm it’s happening we will post a notice on our website.”
It will be the first Papal visit to Britain since 1982 when Pope John Paul II’s six-day tour drew huge crowds.
It will also be the first official Papal visit to Britain. The 1982 trip was a pastoral one. Pope Benedict XVI will visit Edinburgh and Glasgow at the start of a four-day tour of Britain from September 16-19.
