I am delighted that Susan Boyle fans are writing in to me with research of their own in Susan's phenomenal popularity. The letter below from super fan Lisa Pully proves without a shadow of doubt that Susan's YouTube videos are much higher than the 100 million views that are usually credited to her. Instead, they are approaching 384 million -- an incredible number. Thank you Lisa for keeping us updated!
Here is Lisa’s letter:
Hello everyone,
I have become very interested in Susan Boyle's YouTube hit numbers back in June of 2009. It was last June when I also became a member of my first of four Susan Boyle fansites that I now belong to.
I had talked to the host of my first Susan Boyle fansite about this keen interest that I had in maybe keeping a record of Susan's YouTube Hits for the fansite. She was very excited to say the least. With a lot of planning and organizing I have gotten a wonderful system for keeping track of the YouTube Hits.
I have 7 categories that I have put Susan's You Tube hits in: Audition, Semi-finals & Results, Final & Results, BGT Tour, Interviews and News, Tributes of Videos, Other songs not from the Talent show. As of Dec. 15th, here is the breakdown numbers for Susan's Hits.
Audition - 203,397,586
Semi-Final & Results - 66,271,003
Final & Results - 21,354,863
BGT Tour - 1,816,409
Interviews & News - 44,144,917
Tributes videos - 4,624,972
Other Songs Sung - 42,077,564
Total - 383,687,314
Susan's hit numbers are never standing still. I can get a hit total of a video, leave it and go back to it in 2 hours and it could have gone up to 2,000 more hits!
AMAZING! It’s amazing just like Susan. I do not use a computer spreadsheet for it, it would take up to much time in getting the numbers. Besides that, Susan has just now this past year probably seen a computer and though I am not sure, she just may never have turned one on.
So, don't you think that putting all of my information that I need down on paper by hand is pretty unique, just like Susan?
In tallying up the video hits, this last time it took me five weeks total. This to me is what I love to call my 'hobby.'
Even though I don't really think that what I do will ever get back to Susan Boyle herself, I am doing this in her honor to show her how much I respect and admire her.
I will be doing another posting of Susan's YouTube Hits on April 11. What a great way to bring her hits full circle to the date where they started. Thank You Susan for all that you have done for us!
Lisa Pully
