Lauren Conrad’s former boss Kelly Cutrone has a suggestion on who should play her in “The Hills” star upcoming movie – Irish actor Jonathan Rhys Meyers.
In Conrad’s book “L.A. Candy,” which is loosely based on the MTV star’s life, the Kelly Cutrone character is the fictional tough-as-nails PR boss Fiona Chen.
Now that “L.A. Candy” is being made into a movie, Conrad needs someone to portray the People’s Revolution founder on the big screen.
“What about Jonathan Rhys Meyers? That could be really good crossover role for him," Cutrone suggested to MTV News.
The fashion icon, who is now featured in “The Hills” spinoff “The City,” has a few runner-ups in mind as well.
"They would have to have black hair — they would have to be slightly on the mean side. I would like Cher to play me," she said. "I think that would be really great. She's ageless and she has long black hair and she wears all black and she could be really mean.”
Her other choice? Acting vet Anjelica Huston, who was born in Ireland.
"Anjelica Huston could play me," Cutrone said. "I mean, I think we should bring back some of the great ones — they're older. They're more established. And they have the ability to be mean.”
But in the end, Cher and Jonathan win the casting competition.
“I like Cher. I think we should just go with Cher — Jonathan Rhys Meyers or Cher."