Best-seller Marian Keyes is back with a new novel entitled "This Charming Man." Fans of Keyes' previous best-sellers "Anybody Out There?" and "Last Chance Saloon" will not be disappointed. In fact, the topics and characters might seem very familiar to Keyes' many fans. This latest book revolves around four female friends, as well as a rising star on the Irish political scene. All of Keyes' characters (as in most of her previous work) are struggling to conquer the past, in the form of substance abuse, psychological problems or both. For all the weight of these topics, however, Keyes' trademark humor is also on display. This is a blessing since (again, as with much Keyes work) "This Charming Man" checks in at over 550 pages. Marian Keyes is not for everyone, but her fans will not be disappointed. ($24.95 / 576 pages / Morrow)