Now that the story has been told in countless big books and epic films - including the highest grossing movie of all time - Hell's Kitchen, New York native John Nolan figures it's time to tell his own family's Titanic story. In "Titanic Survivor: In Search of Great Uncle Pat Nolan" writes about Pat O'Keefe. Nolan's great uncle was one of only 69 men (out of 500) who sailed third class on Titanic and survived.

Pat and a few others leaped from the ship into the freezing water, and ended up in an upturned boat with some of the ship's most prominent survivors, including high-ranking crew members.

That's a rough ride for a young Irishman who wasn't even supposed to be on the ship. According to Nolan, Pat O'Keefe was visiting his family in Ireland after working in America for a couple of years. He had planned to return to New York on the Baltic, but his brother Jimmy persuaded him to stay a little longer and spend Easter with the family in Waterford. So he switched his passage to Titanic. ($19.95, 133 pages, PublishAmerica)