Finally after months of rumors surrounding their relationship the “Twilight: Saga” superstars locked lips on stage at the MTV Movie Awards on Sunday. However the crowds were not impressed by what has been dubbed a brief and lukewarm lip lock.
The couple walked away on the night with the highly coveted MTV’s Best Kiss Award.
Stewart joked about their steamy embrace on in “Twilight: New Moon”. She said “It takes a lot of smoke and mirrors to make us look good kissing,” before they went in for their mild peck on stage.
They even bumped noses and hands and got close and pulled apart a couple of times. An awkward moment for all involved, including the audience.
Pattinson maintains that they had big plans for receiving the Best Kiss Award. The couple had had a brainstorming session about what would be the best thing to do on the night.
He said “I had the best ideas last night….And I was telling everyone, 'Listen, just leave it to me, I've got it all under control.' ... I was telling everyone all these ideas. I gave them a whole selection and no one thought they were funny, so then we ended up doing something which didn't work."
Just before the kiss Stewart said “We probably shouldn’t do this, right?” But it seems that Pattinson’s outrageous sense of humor and over zealousness took over as he spun her round for a kiss obscuring her from the cameras with his body.
It certainly left the crowd wondering was the whole thing staged and if so, why?