John and Edward Grimes, the Irish twins who have managed to stay on the British talent show “X Factor,” in spite of their singing prowess or lack thereof, are reportedly planning to ridicule Simon Cowell during their performance on this week’s show.
British tabloid The Mirror has reported that choreographer Brian Friedman is working on a tongue in cheek dance rountine for the brothers, who will play Ghostbusters.
"Brian is working out if it is possible for Cowell to appear as a ghostly figure on stage, or whether someone can float onto the stage with a Cowell face mask on," said an insider.
"The boys, dressed as Ghostbusters, will then exterminate the figure using lasers.
"The audience would love it and it might even bring a smile to the real Simon Cowell.
"Another idea was for Cowell to be 'slimed' but he wouldn't put up with that, and given that he is an executive producer on the show, he would veto that idea.
"But you can rest assured it will be another special performance from the twins. Many of the acts are doing ballads this week because of the movies theme, which means they won't move around too much.
"That leaves Brian even more time to work with the twins and create a chaotic three-minute act."