Piece of cake! Guinness Porter Cake is a cinch to get togetherOdlum

Guinness porter cake is traditionally supposed to be baked for St. Patrick's day, we can think of nothing more comforting than a slice of porter cake and a cup of tea on these cold winter nights.

Okay! So Guinness porter cake might be a traditional recipe associated with St. Patrick's Day but quite frankly, it should be eaten more than once a year!

This is a traditional dessert that has been enjoyed in Ireland for many generations. This rich, dark cake is made with a combination of dried fruits, nuts, spices, and, of course, Guinness porter. The result is a dense and moist cake with a deep, complex flavor that is perfect for serving with a cup of tea or coffee.

One of the key ingredients in Irish porter cake is Guinness porter beer. The beer adds a unique flavor to the cake, with its dark, malty notes complementing the sweetness of the dried fruits and spices. It also helps to keep the cake moist, making it ideal for storing for several days.

Irish Guinness porter cake recipe


- 1 lb cream flour

- 8oz sultanas

- 1/2 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda or bread soda

- 8oz of sugar

- 8 oz Irish butter

- 3 eggs

- 4 oz mixed peel

- 1 lbs mixed dried fruit

- 1/2 tsp mixed spice

- 1/2 tsp cinnamon

- 2oz almonds

- 1/2 pint of Guinness


Sieve the flour, bread soda & spices into a bowl.

Beat butter and sugar together for 5 to 10 minutes to a cream.

Add eggs one at a time and continue to beat.

Finely chop almonds

Fold in flour mixture, sultanas, mixed peel, almonds, and mixed fruit.

Add Guinness. Mix well.

Turn it to a greased and lined 8-inch tin

Bake in the center of the oven ( 300°f) for 120 minutes.

Check the cake at intervals after 90 minutes.

Let the cake cool a little in the tin then stand it on a wire tray. Cover with a tea towel. 

* Originally published in August 2016. Updated in April 2024.