Alien brain hemorrhage Halloween shot recipeYouTube

The alien brain hemorrhage shot recipe sounds lethal and what's even better, especially for Halloween, is that it looks disgusting too.

If you thought an Irish slammer was bad (3/4 pint Guinness stout, 1/2 shot Baileys Irish cream, 1/2 shot Jameson Irish whiskey), you ain't seen nothing yet. 

The image above is what is known as an Alien Brain Hemorrhage. It is so-called either because it looks like a bloody alien’s brain or because it will make you feel like you’re living a scene from Ridley Scott’s “Alien” movie the morning after you’ve drunk a couple of these shots. The jury’s still out on that one.

To create this spectacular concoction you’ll need to put together half a shot glass full of peach schnapps with Baileys Irish Cream poured on top. When the glass is almost full, tip in a small amount of blue curacao. Wait for this to settle and add a splash of grenadine.

A brave soul who has actually tried this drink assures me that it does curdle and as you tip it back into your gullet you can feel the lump of Baileys hit your throat.

Ideal for Halloween right?... If you have a death wish.

Alien brain hemorrhage recipe

Serves: 1

Total time: 5 minutes


- 3/4 ounce peach liqueur
- 1/2 ounce Irish cream
- 1/4 ounce blue curaçao
- Splash grenadine


- Pour the peach liqueur into a shot glass.

- Gently pour the Irish cream into the shot glass to create a floating layer on top. If necessary, drizzle the Irish cream over the bottom of a spoon or knife to help control the pour.

- From several inches above the shot glass, pour in the blue curaçao, followed by the grenadine syrup.

* Originally published in 2012. Updated in 2024.