Full Irish breakfastGetty

Dublin Aiport has revealed that it sells more Irish breakfasts than anywhere else in Ireland! 

If you've ever found yourself in Dublin Airport during your travels in Ireland you may have treated yourself to a full Irish breakfast. Well, you're not alone, as in a tweet posted by the airport they reported that each year their passengers devour an incredible 2.5 million fry-ups – that’s around 7,000 breakfasts every single day (except Christmas Day when they're closed).

Interestingly just 30% of those buying a breakfast opt to include beans, while 60% ask for a tomato. When it comes to pudding, white pudding is the favorite, while the top egg style of choice is scrambled, followed by fried, and then poached.

When it comes to the drink of choice to pair with the meal, the most popular option is a classic - breakfast tea. The second most popular is an Americano. On a typical day, more than 14,000 cups of tea and coffee are served at Dublin Airport!

What's in an Irish breakfast?

Here are the top essentials for a full Irish breakfast:

Irish sausage

Irish sausage – an amalgamation of freshly-ground beef or pork, seasoned with spices and layered with rusk. Nowadays some places in Ireland will also have the option of meat-free sausages for vegetarian customers.

Rashers & pudding 

Slices of bacon cooked until golden brown along with Irish pudding is a must on an Irish breakfast plate. Black pudding, or blood pudding, is a unique blend of blood, pork, rusk, and seasonings; white pudding replaces blood with liver, though it remains similar in almost every other way.


How do you like your eggs in the morning? Scrambled, poached, or fried - it's up to you!

Hash brown

These triangle shaped of finely julienned potatoes that have been fried until golden browned are always a popular choice on many people's plates 

Mushrooms and tomatoes

Fried mushrooms and tomatoes, salted for flavor, provide an interesting balance to the generous meat portions.

Baked beans

Baked beans – a collection of navy beans stewed in a tomato sauce.


Finish off your Irish breakfast plate with a slice of brown or white toast.