Northern Irish people are eating more than 2,000 more calories than usual every week during the COVID-19 lockdown, according to a new study. 

The average Northern Irish person is eating around 333 extra calories per day or 2331 calories per week, according to who conducted the study of around 2,000 people in the United Kingdom. 

A whopping 22% of British people are eating cheese on toast during the lockdown, according to the study, while 21% of people are indulging in cheese and onion potato chips. 

Bacon sandwiches and chocolate cakes are also increasingly popular, with 19% of Northern Irish people enjoying both delicacies during quarantine. Cheese and crackers is the fifth-most popular snack during the pandemic with 18% of people regularly eating the snack. 

The report also found that people are getting out of bed almost an hour later on average. People are now getting up at 8:40 a.m. as opposed to 7:45 a.m. pre-lockdown. 

A typical person spends four and a half hours watching television during the lockdown and five hours on the couch, the report found. 

While the study found that a number of people are engaging in unhealthy habits, it did also show some positive side effects of the lockdown. 

A large portion of Northern Irish people are picking up new hobbies while confined to their homes, the study found. 

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Around 23% of people say they have read a book during quarantine, while 22% of people are cooking things they have never tried before. Baking was the third-most-popular hobby to take up during COVID-19 as 13% of people reported baking their own bread and cakes. 

Additionally, around 72% of Northern Irish people reported that they were doing more chores around the house in a bid to get organized and stave off boredom. co-founder Kevin Mountford said that it was pleasing to see people take up new hobbies and find new passions during the lockdown. 

"While time in lockdown has seen some negatives, it's extremely encouraging to see the positive aspects people are doing with their extra time." 

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