Beer, bbq and bants at the Guinness X Meatopia.

A fired-up food carnival, Guinness X Meatopia, is returning to Dublin this July to delight all beer, food, grill and music fans.

Meatopia, the epic London based fired-up food carnival that originated in New York, is returning to Dublin this July.

In 2017, Guinness X Meatopia came to Dublin for the first time and this July hails its return when beer and food lovers from far and wide, will get together again and relish this one-of-a-kind celebration.

The three-day beer and food festival will run from Friday 6th - Sunday 8th July. Signature dishes, grilled or smoked over sustainable wood and charcoal, will be created by some of the world’s best live fire chefs and will be matched to the beers brewed especially for the culinary feast. An eclectic line-up of musicians and entertainers is also currently being curated and more details on who’s set to perform will be released in the coming weeks.

Tickets will go on sale on May 24th -  Strictly over 18s. Click here for more details.

Enjoy Guinness sensibly.

Here's a video from the 2017 event:

* This article was originally published on our sister publication FOOD&WINE. You can follow them Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.