"Angela’s Christmas," a half-hour animated holiday special based on a story by Irish author Frank McCourt, has arrived on Netflix.
The story, which is based on the "Angela’s Ashes" author’s only children’s book, was inspired by a story McCourt’s mother told him as a child, reports The Irish Post.
Set in Limerick in 1914, the Christmas tale sees Angela take the baby Jesus from a church crib to keep him warm.
Director and co-writer Damien O’Connor said: “Initially, it was a little daunting to turn the book into the film, but we had Frank’s widow Ellen McCourt on hand to guide us which was amazing if we strayed too far from Frank’s voice when writing the dialogue she would let us know.”
Read More: Frank McCourt's novel “Angela’s Christmas" to get new lease of life on Netflix
The Netflix animated special stars Limerick native Ruth Negga, and McCourt’s brother Malachy provides the narration.
"Angela’s Christmas" can be viewed now on Netflix.