Darcy the Dingo, connecting families and teaching children in a fun new waywww.darcythedingo.com

Leaving home whether it is to another county, state or country younger family members can often miss out and lose some of the connections they have with you. 

Not only that, as new family members are born, they may never build the same relationship with you as you are so far away from you and don't have that same initial contact which was the case for my brother.  

My brother emigrated to Australia in 2007 and was fortunate enough to be able to come home 18 months later for our wedding in 2009 but at a cost of not knowing when he might be back home again. The cost for him while already missing family at home, he missed out on the birth of his nephew and niece in 2011 and 2014. For him, he wanted to connect with them so they knew who he was when they finally met and through Darcy the Dingo he could do that. 

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Darcy the Dingo

Darcy the Dingo, became a great friend to our children. Darcy would write to Logan and Elise letting them know what he was getting up to but not only that he would also let them know all of the things he heard about them. For Logan and Elise, this was amazing that Darcy knew lots of things that they had done or were interested in. Darcy would write to them about achievements they had, things they'd done and also give gentle words of encouragement to try something new like eating some things they may not have been so fond of. Thanks to this Logan will now eat more than just a cheese sandwich and Elise will eat her greens! 

As a parent, for me seeing their delight when they'd receive their own post and watching it come through the door from the postman was wonderful. For Logan and Elise, Darcy was just brilliant! Darcy was the coolest ever but not only that, the best part was, they were getting to know their Uncle too. 

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In 2016, finally they got to meet not only Darcy but their Uncle too and watching them meet for the first time, it was like they always knew each other. From the first moment they met, they knew who their Uncle was and it was wonderful to see for not only my children but for my brother too. 

Thanks to Darcy the Dingo, he has brought a distance of over 17,200km of an  Uncle being from his nephew and niece to 0km. While as a family they don't see each other on a daily, weekly or even yearly basis,  Darcy has made a strong connection that cannot be broken. 

Darcy the Dingo isn't just for Logan and Elise, Darcy is there to help other family members too, to connect with those at home at and abroad. Whether you are an Uncle, Auntie or Grandparent with Darcy the Dingo you can keep connected through an online personalized subscription service that suits you, for the child you wanted to stay connected with at home and abroad. 

This article was submitted to the IrishCentral contributors network by a member of the global Irish community. To become an IrishCentral contributor click here.