Ireland is a wonderful little country that even with its small size holds a huge place in many people's hearts the world over.

Whether you are an Irish couple living in Ireland, an Irish couple abroad, have Irish family connections, or simply love Ireland, there are lots of Irish wedding traditions that you can incorporate into your big day, some of you may even be incorporating without even knowing their history!

There are tons of ways to have a truly Irish wedding, even if you live on the other side of the world, so without further ado here is our list of top Irish wedding traditions and customs to bring a little bit o' Irish luck on the big day!

1. The Child of Prague

Burying the Child of Prague statue is said to bring good weather on your wedding day. Bonus points if the Child of Prague is headless, but it has to have broken accidentally!

2. The Horseshoe

The horseshoe is a lucky symbol associated with Irish weddings. In the past, a real horseshoe was carried by the bride as she walked down the aisle. It was then hung up by the groom in the couple's new home over a door or in a room to keep the 'luck of the house' intact.

Today, instead of carrying a big ole hefty lump of metal around, many Irish brides carry a small horseshoe in their bouquet or as part of a charm on a bracelet presented by the flower girl or pageboy.

Remember, the horseshoe should always be pointing up so that the good luck does not run out!

3. The Claddagh Ring

First produced in the 17th century, the Claddagh ring design is linked back to the fishing village of Claddagh near Galway and is a symbol of love, friendship, and loyalty.

If single, you wear the ring on your right hand with the point of the heart facing the fingertip.

When in a relationship, the ring is flipped around so that the point faces the wrist, symbolizing that your heart has been taken.

When engaged, the ring is moved over to your left hand, with the point of the heart facing the fingertips. The ring is then flipped around at the wedding.

Many grooms are now choosing a Claddagh as their wedding band, the perfect way to embrace some Irish heritage.

4. Something Blue

Traditionally in Ireland, brides wore blue dresses, as it was seen as the color of true love and purity.

However, over time, this tradition faded and the more familiar white dress became popular.

The “something blue” was then incorporated into the brides’ accessories such as on a garter, ribbon on a bouquet or a piece of fabric sewn into the underneath of the dress.

5. A Lucky Handkerchief

An Irish linen hankie was carried by the bride throughout the day to symbolize fertility.

It was then kept for the birth of the couple’s first child, when the handkerchief would then be used as part of the christening dress or bonnet.

The hanky would then be passed on from generation to generation to be re-used in a similar manner.

6. A Wild Irish Bouquet

Many Irish brides traditionally carried wildflowers and or wore a wildflower crown in their hair in lieu of a veil.

A beautiful way to incorporate a traditional Irish custom into a modern wedding.

7. Tying the Knot

The saying "Tying the Knot" comes from the old Celtic tradition of hand binding (also known as handfasting) during a wedding ceremony.

It originates from Celtic times when it involved tying the hands of the betrothed together with ribbon or a crios (a woven sash) as a symbol of their agreement to spend their lives together. 

8. Bells

The ringing of church bells was said to ward off evil spirits from the newlyweds.

In penal times in Ireland, this was not possible, so the gift of a small bell acted as a substitute.

Today, many Irish weddings often have stationery, invitations, and decorations adorned with bells to incorporate the tradition.

For a modern spin on a truly Irish custom, you could hand out little bells as a wedding confetti alternative. Just imagine the chimes of tiny tinkling bells to ring in the newlyweds!

9. The Wedding Toast - Sláinte!

No Irish wedding would be complete without a traditional toast to the happy couple.

Today, we toast with fine champagne, but it wasn't always that glamorous! In times of old, wedding toasts would consist of either Poteen (a strong whiskey made from potatoes) or Mead (white wine mixed with honey and herbs).

Why not incorporate a traditional Irish blessing or poem to toast the bride and groom?

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon the fields.

May the light of friendship guide your paths together.
May the laughter of children grace the halls of your home.
May the joy of living for one another
trip a smile from your lips, a twinkle from your eye.

And when eternity beckons,
at the end of a life heaped high with love,
May the good Lord embrace you
with the arms that have nurtured you
the whole length of your joy-filled days.

May the gracious God hold you both
in the palm of His hands.
And, today, may the Spirit of Love
find a dwelling place in your hearts.

So, will you be incorporating any of these Irish Wedding Traditions into your day? We'd love to hear how, let us know in the comments below!

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