Young people in Ireland are most likely to respond to text messages from older relatives, compared to young people in the rest of Europe.Getty Images

New research has revealed that young people in Ireland as the most considerate in Europe when it comes to responding to text messages from older relatives. 

Only two percent of 18-24 year olds in Ireland are likely to ignore a text message from an older relative, in favor of a delivery update, an appointment reminder, or a special offer. 

Young people in Italy came across as the worst offenders in Europe with 16.18% of 18-24 year olds confessing they would be likely to snub a message from an older family member - a figure 7.36 times higher than Ireland. 

Business communications provider, Esendex, surveyed more than 6,000 consumers as part of The Connected Consumer Report 2024 to understand the latest changes in consumer behaviours.

By comparison, the likelihood of ignoring messages from older relatives in other European countries is considerably higher:

  • UK: 6.94% (3.15 times higher than Ireland)
  • Spain: 7.21% (3.28 times higher than Ireland
  • France: 8.4% (3.82 times higher than Ireland)
  • Netherlands: 13.73% (6.24 times higher than Ireland)
  • Germany: 14.29% (6.50 times higher than Ireland)
  • Italy: 16.18% (7.36 times higher than Ireland)

Richard Hanscott, CEO of Esendex, said:

“Ireland’s younger generation demonstrates that technological advancements need not erode traditional values of communication. 

“It's often said that young people spend too much time on their phones, usually browsing social media or playing games. So, it is heartening to see that technology is also being used to connect with older relatives, particularly across an age cohort that may be making major life changes as they move away from home.”

The report showed that text messaging remains the most popular form of communication. Across all age groups, 93% of people in Ireland were most likely to respond to an SMS, followed by email, letters, phone calls and social media.

It's particularly prized by 25 to 34-year-olds and the over-54s, with just 4% and 3% respectively saying they would ignore one.

Hanscott added: “SMS continues to be a powerhouse when it comes to business communication, which explains its continued popularity. As our research shows, the majority of people are keen to engage with messages no matter the sender.”

To view the full findings of the survey, read Esendex’s report here