An infamous Irish ghost estate has gone up for sale in Co Cork for a price so remarkable it might just have people contemplating buying it.
A ghost estate is a housing development that has been left largely abandoned, in particular a newly built one in which most of the properties are uninhabited or unfinished.
Ireland has a number of ghost estates remaining from the fallout of the Celtic Tiger, a period where developers and contractors stopped working on some properties due to the country’s financial crash.
Designed by BOC Architects and built around 2008, four new homes in the Ashley estate on the Rochestown Road, Rochestown, are being sold for €1.24 million, 16 years on from when they were initially constructed.
Extending to circa 2,250 sqft 3,000 sqft, the four ‘new’ homes, that come with two sites with planning permission, are designed in the forever popular ‘Arts and Crafts’ style.
Located in Cork city, the four 4/5 bedroom houses have no internal work completed. This means that if you want to buy it, further construction will need to be completed before moving in.

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On top of this, furnishing the homes would mean you’d be spending a heftier fee than the advertised €1.24 million.
The property’s brochure reads: ‘The 4/5 bedroom properties are located in a small residential development, with the potential to be luxury family homes upon refurbishment works being completed.
‘The properties are unfinished internally and would need to be brought up to meet current building regulations. The houses extend to circa 2,250 sqft 3,000 sqft.’
Adding an important detail, the sellers added: ‘Please note we have not tested any apparatus, fixtures, fittings, or services. Interested parties must undertake their own investigation into the working order of these items.
‘All measurements are approximate and photographs provided for guidance only.’
The ghost estate in the Rebel county will go on sale via an online auction on Thursday, December 12 through the Youbid platform.
* This article was originally published on