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Co-founder of Twitter Biz Stone celebrated Twitter’s fifth birthday with Conan O’Brien on TBS’ “Conan”.
The connection makes sense. Conan kept his career going during his extended period off last year by tweeting and keeping the nation laughing.
The pair spoke about how Charlie Sheen’s twitter account racked up millions of users within days. They also spoke about how the Internet now plays a greater role in world events.
O’Brien mocked Stone saying that Twitter was a website about nothing, the “Seinfeld of the Internet” and also mocked Stone’s “lame” tweets.
Stone said “Everybody said 'Twitter's useless.' To which my co-founder Evan Williams said, 'Well, so's ice cream. You want us to ban ice cream and all joy?'"…Screw that. We'll just keep working on it."
Five years on there are 140 million tweets per day.
He said “Twitter seems to have found its way into almost everything going on around the world."
O’Brien added “It was huge for me a year ago when I found myself without a television show. It changed my life."
Stone  butted in saying "We still use you as a great example of how to use Twitter in the best possible way,"
"Then I should be paid," said O’Brien.

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