Comedian Des Bishop has postponed his upcoming live tour indefinitely, citing what he has deemed to be “a crazy year.” Bishop is currently dealing with the stress of his father’s passing last year, as well as his recent breakup with Assets model Jenny Lee Masterson.
"It was my decision to go back on tour in the first place but I'm just not able," said Bishop, as reported by The Herald.
Bishop’s beloved father died in February following a long battle with lung cancer. At the time of his death, Bishop was in the middle of his ‘My Dad Was Nearly James Bond’ comedy tour, which was a tribute to his ailing father that explored the father-son relationship.
Just two months later, Bishop split with long time girlfriend Jenny Lee Masterson while working on a book about his late father.
Read More:
Irish American comedian Des Bishop’s father dies of cancer
Des Bishop speaks of heartbreak about his father's terminal illness
Des Bishop: My Dad was nearly James Bond
"With the book and everything, the whole thing was a bit much for me. I've had very emotional responses to my book,” said Bishop.
While the 35 year old funny man doesn’t have an exact date yet for the restart of his tour, he did say that he will begin fufilling other gigs that have been scheduled after May. Bishop did, however, make his appearances at the Kilkenomic festival last week.
"It's [the tour] only postponed because I know that I wouldn't have been able to go out there and do my best. I'm only cancelling the dates up until March," he explained while on the ‘The Late Late Show’ last month.
Below, catch a clip of Des on ‘The Late Late Show’ with Ryan Tubridy last month:
