Director Todd Phillips has brought together a new comedy duo of Robert Downey Jr and Zach Galifianakis. The two funny men play an unlikely pairing who end imparting on an extensive road trip.
Downey plays Peter Highman, a first-time father to be who is desperately trying to make it home to be by his wife's side for the birth of their first child. As Peter tries to catch a flight home from Los Angles to Atlanta a chance encounter with aspiring actor Ethan Tremblay (Galifianakis) forces Peter to hitch and ride on what will become one of the most destructive journeys of his life.
During their road trip tha pair destroy several cars, friendships and Peter's sanity. The juxtaposition of the two unlikely characters, Ethan, an accident prone pot head and Peter a serious business man is destined to become a comedy hit.
Galifianakis has hit his stride with his latest film playing a similar dim wit, hilarious character to his role in “The Hangover”. Where as Downey'c character is more toned down in comparison to his latest performances in “Iron Man” and “Sherlock Homes”.
Distributed by Warner Brothers “Due Date” opens November 4th in theaters nationwide.