Michael Fassbender has been hotly tipped to land the lead role in the Biblical epic, “Noah”, after Christian Bale turned it down.
“The Dark Knight Rises” star is said to have been unable to commit to the film, directed by Darren Aronofsky, due to scheduling conflicts.
Variety reports that Fassbender has already met with the Oscar-nominated “Black Swan” director and discussed the role.
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The star has enjoyed an extremely prolific year and received critical acclaim for his latest films including "Jane Eyre," "X-Men: First Class," "A Dangerous Method" and "Shame,".
Aronofsky had previously stated that the film would follow the biblical story and have no modern element. He said earlier this year, "It's the animals, the ark, the floods, and Noah with his long beard."
Production is expected to start in the spring.
