Gavin Cooper (47) was diagnosed with sarcoidosis in his lungs back in 2016, with doctors helping him "manage" his symptoms for four years.

Sadly, Mr Cooper was told in 2021 that the sarcoidosis spread to his liver and other organs and that he has ‘a very rare 7cm’ tumor that is wrapped around his portal vein.

"This has resulted in portal hypertension, ascites, gallbladder issues, an enlarged spleen and a swollen vascular system. I’m constantly in and out of the hospital with complications.

"I have 2 stents in my biliary tract that must be changed constantly, due to narrowing from scaring. I’m now on stent change number 16, and the hospitalizations are becoming more and more frequent," he said.

Mr Cooper added in a post on a GoFundMe page set up to help raise funds for his medical bills that there "are no surgeons in Ireland with the expertise necessary to perform" the liver transplant and portal vein reconstruction he requires.

"Even worse, if I don’t have this life-saving operation the doctors have advised I will only survive 5 years," he said.

Seeking to raise €150,000, the GoFundMe page has already seen €7,871 donated by the public.

"I’m a husband to my wonderful wife Eileen and a father to 3 beautiful children that I want to see grow up, get married and have children of their own. I want to grow old and experience what life has to offer with my family but my illness has been so hard on me, as well as my family.

"Since January, I have been unable to work, and my wife is working two jobs to try and make ends meet. Being in this situation is so painful, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally.

"I have worked hard my entire life and never once looked for help, but now I realize that sometimes we all need help," he said.

Mr Cooper added: "I just want to live! I want to be here for my family. I appreciate any donation, big or small, and thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for reading my story. I will provide updates as I continue this battle to save my life. Please keep me and my family in your prayers."

To donate to the GoFundMe page, please click here.

* This article was originally published on