Glenn Beck must wish he knew how to quit Fox News. On Monday he returned again to pay homage to his mentor Bill O'Reilly and to discuss his new Beck-around-the-clock internet channel, GBTV.

Neither opinionated anchor have ever bothered to have a serious policy together and this was made clear from the outset when O'Reilly welcomed Beck back to Fox by saying that with his new goatee he looked like 'an aging rock star.'

O'Reilly also wondered what Beck would talk about every day on his two hour show.

'One hour isn't enough!’ scoffed O'Reilly. 'Two hours of you? You are just going to bloviate for two hours?'

Critics might contend that's all either man have ever done for their entire career, so perhaps it won't be the formidable challenge that O'Reilly (who's apparently troubled marriage made headlines recently) imagines.

Beck's only moment of total speechlessness came when O'Reilly claimed he had been reduced to his sidekick now.

Later, discussing the GOP debate on MSNBC, both conservative multi-millionaires agreed that Rick Perry was correct to call Social Security a Ponzi scheme. Beck concluded that he didn't think the debates, were audience members had loudly cheered the prospect of an uninsured man being left to die in a hospital foyer, were all that important.

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Glenn Beck defends Hitler Youth comments on Norway’s tragic massacre – VIDEO

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