A bloody pig’s foot with an
anti-Semiticnote attached which was addressed to
Rep. Peter King, was intercepted at a congressional mail facility on Monday.
The chairman of the House Homeland and Security Committee has received harsh criticism recently for voicing his concerns over what he has described as the radicalization of some American Muslims.
The package was discovered on Monday morning at a postal facility in Landover MD.
“Anytime you get involved in any controversial issue, there’s always going to be extremes that react,” King told POLITICO on Tuesday.
“It probably adds to the climate” of hostility, he said.
Refusing to confirm the contacts of the package, a U.S. Capitol Police Spokeswoman said the force has “an active open investigation regarding this incident and are working with postal inspectors”
King had told reporters that he had been under 24-hour police surveillance.
A source told POLITICO that the pigs foot was bloody and the y described the letter as “a rambling type” which conveyed anti-Semitic sentiments.
“Somewhere in the message it says ‘all the babies in America will be named Mohammed,’” the source said. The letter also says “kiss my black Muslim ass.”
The source added: “I guess you have to interpret it as a threat. It’s certainly not a sign of affection.”
Read more: Jon Stewart attacks Congressman Peter King over his support for the IRA - VIDEO