Irish police have borrowed riot-control weapons, such as water cannons, from Northern Ireland's police, in preparation for Queen Elizabeth's visit this month. This news comes as it has been confirmed that the bomb attack in County Meath was carried out by violent opponents to the State visit.
On April 21 a pipe bomb was thrown at a Duke of Wellington monument, in Trim, County Meath.
The Minister for Justice, Alan Shatter, said "It is quite possible, but not certain, that it may have been some sort of atavistic response to the announcement that Queen Elizabeth is to visit the country later this month." No one was injured in the attack.
The Irish police have also confirmed that they have borrowed riot-control water cannons for use during the visit. The police are also checking all drains in the city in preparation.
Speaking to RTE Radio the Vice Prime Minister Eamon Gilmore said "We’ve seen very menacing threats coming from these groups in recent weeks…The Government is concerned about any dissident threats there are, and the security arrangements are very strong arrangements.”
Shatter said that while the Irish government respects the people's right to peaceful protest the State would not tolerate protesters who seek to break the law or set out to "maim or murder".
He said "By their actions they display a barbaric and arrogant content for the constitutional civil and human rights vested in all who reside on or visit this island."
The Minister also added that he had the utmost confidence in the Irish police to deal with any security threat. He added that anyone convicted of explosive-related offences would face stiff penalties including life imprisonment.
Queen Elizabeth is due to arrive on May 17. Most view her visit as a historic juncture in Anglo-Irish relations. However, there are concerns that dissident republicans may attempt to disrupt the events.
Irish urged to stand firm against IRA’s threats on police and the Queen
Real IRA Facebook threat to queen on Irish visit
