More Irish single men are choosing to undergo vasectomies as a permanent way of avoiding fathering children a new report has revealed.
The report conducted by the Irish Family planning Association shows that 8 percent of men who got the ‘snip’ were single. Where as in 1998 only 2 percent were single. Ten clients described themselves as single last year.
"The men are not in relationships or in a very new relationship. Almost all without exception already have children," said the IFPA's medical director, Dr Caitriona Henchion, at the launch of the association's annual report yesterday.
"It has become a very acceptable choice thanks to some brave men who broke the taboo and spoke about their own experiences of vasectomy, such as the late broadcaster Gerry Ryan," added Dr Henchion.
The survey found that the most common type of clients were men in stable relationships who had two to three children. It also emerged that most men nowadays tend to be in their forties when they opt for the procedure.
"Men are opting for vasectomy for the same reasons today as they did in 1990 -- because their family is complete or they feel they cannot cope with more children." Said Dr Henchion.
The procedure costs around $700 and the association has carried out 10,000 vasectomies since it began operating in 1973.