RTE, Ireland’s national broadcaster, along with DJ Rick O’Shea are calling on Irish people to let them know “How to be Irish” (#HowToBeIrish). The clips submitted on YouTube will be broadcast on TV for St. Patrick’s Day.

The new project will aim to create a programme entirely made up of the public’s clips illustrating what it means to be Irish. Of course only “the funniest, most touching, awe-inspiring and strange responses” will be chosen and will be aired on St. Patrick’s Day.

The RTE website says “There are many ways of being Irish and the conversation is open to anyone anywhere who would like to send us their thoughts on being Irish. Whatever #HowToBeIrish means to you, we want you to show us on camera.”



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The show will be hosted by Twitter extraordinaire Rick O'Shea of RTÉ 2fm (linked to #HowToBeIrish), helped by model and Facebook maven Faye Dinsmore and RTÉ Television presenter and YouTube star, Stephen Byrne.

Closing date for submission of material is 6pm on Monday 5th March.

Click here for more information.

Here’s our pick of the top tweets so far:

Shane Stafford @ShaneEStafford 
#howtobeirish have spent at least 10 days as a kid on a beach in summer weather that the Polar bears would stay indoors for.

Emma Conway @msflywheel 
Blaming your hangover on a 'bad pint' and not the 10 others you consumed over the course of the night #howtobeirish

Emma Conway @msflywheel
Getting yelled at for leaving the immersion on #howtobeirish

rawr, i'm a goat ☺ @lindsbeliebs 

#howtobeirish no matter who you're talking to, refer to them as the "lads"

Here’s a video explaining more: