After briefly flirting with the idea of a mayoral run himself, Alec Baldwin has slammed the leading Democratic candidate Christine Quinn.
In a Huffington Post blog, Baldwin blankly states that the current front-runner City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, "is not qualified to be mayor of New York."
Quinn, an Irish American whose Irish Grandmother was a Titanic survivor, announced her intention to run for mayor last week.
Baldwin argues that the city needs a mayor with “middle class values,” saying Public Advocate Bill de Blasio is that person.
Describing the Speaker as "Bloomberg's handmaiden" and "Bloomberg 2.0," the former "30 Rock" star criticized Quinn’s opposition to a sick-leave bill, which would require New York City businesses with 5 to 19 employees to offer paid sick leave.
He also criticized her close alliance to police commissioner Ray Kelly.
“Quinn is married to her partner, Kim Catullo, yet appears to bat her eyelashes for one man, Ray Kelly, New York's police commissioner.”
““Stop and Frisk" may be effective anti-crime policy, but it is also anti-U.S. Constitution to a lot of rather vocal political figures in the City and beyond. Quinn appears not to care,” he added.
Referring to a Village Voice report, Baldwin accused Quinn of having a $49 million City Council "slush fund" that she distributes to members.
The Irish American actor slammed the New York Times photo coverage of her official campaign announcement on March 11th as a “a proud parent's album.”
He concluded saying he would elaborate on his endorsement of Democratic contender Bill de Blasio in a future blog.
