Ireland’s Central Applications Office (CAO), which processes applications for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Ireland, issued 83,369 Round One Offers to 56,571 CAO applicants today, Wednesday, August 28.

The offers extended on Wednesday consist of 51,934 Level 8 course offers and 31,435 Level 7/6 course offers, the CAO said.

More than half - 56% - of applicants received Level 8 offers for their first preference course. A majority - 83% - received Level 8 offers for one of their top three preferences.

Meanwhile, 92% of applicants received Level 7/6 offers for their first preference course, and 99% of applicants received Level 7/6 offers for one of their top three preferences.

The levels are a part of Ireland's National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ).

Level 8, typically completed in three or four years, is the most commonly used level of post-secondary school education in Ireland. It awards 'Honours Bachelor Degrees' or 'Higher Diplomas.'

Level 7 awards an 'Ordinary Bachelors Degree.' Level 7 courses typically run for three years, though some courses contain an option of an 'add on' year, which makes it possible for students to complete one extra year and receive a Level 8 qualification.

Level 6, offered in both higher and further education, awards an 'Advanced Certificate' or a 'Higher Certificate.' These courses are usually two years in duration.

While the CAO processes applications, HEIs retain the function of making decisions on applications. 

On receiving instructions from Admissions Officers, the CAO issues offers to eligible applicants in order of merit as determined by the assessment of applications carried out by the Admissions Offices.

Most applications, the CAO notes, are assessed on the basis of the Common Points scale for the Irish Certificate, the results of which were issued on Friday.

However, some courses are assessed on the basis of a portfolio / interview or other assessment, and some categories of applicant such as mature applicants or those presenting other qualifications are assessed individually by the Admissions Office.

CAO applicants were able to check to see if they received an offer by logging in to their account using the 'My Application' facility at from 2 pm local time on Wednesday.

It is possible that applicants may receive two offers at the same time: one from the Level 8 list and one from the Level 7/6 list. Applicants must choose between these lists and can only accept one offer per offer round.

Offers must be accepted by 3 pm on Tuesday, September 3.

Eileen Keleghan, Head of Communications for CAO, asked applicants to carefully consider any offers received in this round.

"One of the common queries that we receive at the offers stage is around order of preference.

"Applicants who receive a lower preference offer can accept this offer, and it will not prevent them from receiving an offer of a course higher up on their courses list in a later round should a place become available and they are deemed eligible.

"Those who have received an offer in this round should also consider the current offer carefully as it may be the only one they will receive.

“If an applicant has not received an offer they will receive a 'Statement of Application' email.

"It is important that applicants notify CAO immediately if there are any errors or omissions in their CAO account. They must make sure to do this as soon as possible to allow any corrections to be considered for subsequent rounds."

Round Two offers will be available to view on the CAO website from 2 pm on Monday, September 9; offers must be accepted for this round by 3 pm on September 11. Offers are then issued on a weekly basis to fill any remaining places.

Applicants who do not receive an offer may wish to check the 'Available Places' facility which opens on the CAO website on Thursday, August 29 at noon.