Multiple reports today have claimed that an Irish tourist was killed in the tragic avalanche on Cerro Lopez in the city of Bariloche in the Río Negro province of Argentina yesterday, Wednesday, September 4.

However, local publication La Nacion is now reporting that the victim was revealed in recent hours to be 27-year-old Andrea Marshall, who was born in Alba, Scotland, and had been living in the Aran Valley in Spain most recently.

La Nacion was among the publications earlier reporting that the victim was Irish.

According to La Nacion, Marshall was an experienced mountaineer, ski instructor, and climber who was staying with a friend in Bariloche.

La Nacion added that the Public Prosecutor's Office of Río Negro said an autopsy will be carried out shortly which will allow for the victim's identity to be confirmed.

Rio Negro, another local publication that also earlier reported that the victim was Irish, is also now reporting that Nahuel Campitelli of Club Andino Bariloche, a mountaineering organization that assisted in the search and rescue, confirmed that the victim was from Scotland.

A spokesperson for Ireland's Department of Foreign Affairs said earlier on Thursday amid reports that the victim was Irish that it was "aware of the case and stands ready to provide consular assistance.

"As with all consular cases, the Department does not comment on the details of cases.”

While one person was tragically killed in Wednesday's avalanche, two other men survived. One was rescued quickly after the avalanche, while the other was buried for about 14 hours before being rescued. Both men are now hospitalized. 

All were reportedly cross-country skiing when the avalanche occurred. 

The magnitude D3 avalanche occurred at about 5:15 pm on Wednesday evening, prompting a large search and rescue operation. The operation was stood down on Wednesday night and resumed on Thursday morning.